Abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB)… !? Most of the women complain that they often have irregular periods, PCOS sometimes and get periods twice a month. Moreover, they feel heavy at this time. They are unable to work during this time, thus they feel compelled to stay at home. Generally, 10 to 15 women out of 100 will get this problem. This problem is termed Abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB) and in this article, let’s examine AUB in more detail .
What is a normal mensural cycle?
You must first understand the normal menstrual cycle to understand abnormal uterine bleeding. In between 21 to 35 days, the usual monthly menstrual cycle will occur. It takes place between two to seven days.
The blood flow during this period normally falls between 30 and 60 ml, which is equivalent to the amount of 3 to 4 tablespoons. If these things take place, the menstrual cycle is regarded as normal. Additionally, when women use 4 pads and blood clots are rare, this condition is acceptable.
Symptoms of Abnormal Uterine Bleeding
Women who experience the following concerns are said to be experiencing abnormal uterine bleeding. Some of them are
- Experiencing periods that are longer than seven days
- Having periods twice a month
- Experiencing heavy blood clots
- Every hour, pads need to be changed.
You should see a gynecologist as soon as possible if you experience any of these concerns.
Causes of Abnormal uterine bleeding
When trying to determine the cause of your abnormal uterine bleeding, your doctor will ask you several questions. Numerous medical conditions, including stress, can result in abnormal uterine bleeding. Some of them are
- Hormonal problem
- Blood clotting
- Pregnancy-related problems (Complications of breech delivery)
- Due to the presence of fibroids or polyps in the uterus
- In rare cases due to cancer.
How to diagnose?
Normally, the gynecologist will do some tests to identify the causes of abnormal uterine bleeding. These tests could involve some blood tests and an ultrasound scan. If necessary, a CT/MRI scan is performed to identify your issue exactly
Reason to treat AUB?
The course of treatment for you will depend on what is causing abnormal uterine bleeding. You have to understand the need for treatment before getting it. If you are getting heavy blood loss with high anaemia you may get
- Breathing problems
- Extreme tiredness
- Less concentration on your daily work
- Heart problems
Thus, to avoid the above problems and to fully recover from AUB, it is always best to start treatment as early as possible. Depending upon the seriousness of your condition, your gynecologist will decide whether to go with the medication or if surgery is mandatory.
To conclude:
Abnormal uterine bleeding can be treated properly if it is diagnosed at an early stage. Hence, consult your gynecologist if your periods are very heavy, lasting longer than normal, or if you’re bleeding beyond your menstrual cycle. There are a lot of non-invasive treatment options that can stop your bleeding for you.