White discharge or Vaginal discharge is most commonly seen in women In this modern busy world, self-care and self-awareness are necessary for every woman. Before entering into vaginal discharge let’s see what is vagina . The elastic muscular canal that goes from the uterus to the outside of the body is named Vagina. Normally baby comes out through this canal hence termed the birth canal. A Fluid or mucus which comes out from the vagina is termed white discharge.
It is a quite natural thing and you don’t need to panic. It has now become a very common problem for women. The most common question among every woman is whether the white discharge is normal and safe which is being discussed in this blog. White discharge can be categorized into physiological(normal) and pathological(abnormal) discharge.
Naturally, the uterus has a security system named lactobacillus, which prevents foreign microbes invasion and any infection. A fluid secretion by the vaginal and cervical epithelium clears old dead cells and bacteria hereby acting as a housekeeping system for the uterus. The uterus is healthy when both systems are strong and intact. When there is any violation in the referred systems activity, abnormal discharge happens. A discharge of 2 to 5 ml per day is quite normal. It varies with each women’s body nature, stress, exercise, and hormone changes. The discharge normality can also be identified by its features. White discharge is common after puberty. You can find an increased discharge during pregnancy, ovulation, or before periods. A normal discharge can be
- Colourless or light white
- Stretchable or sticky
- Has no smell but sometimes has a salty smell
If you find any symptoms other than this then your discharge is abnormal. If a prepubertal girl or woman after menopause has white discharge then they must consult a gynecologist.
There is a change in discharge pattern like profuse or frothy discharge, yellow, green, or grey colour discharge with an unpleasant smell. If a woman has any of the discharge patterns associated with pain, itching, burning sensation, or difficulty in urination is termed Abnormal Vaginal Discharge (AVD). Basically, there is an alteration in the vaginal ecosystem. In very rare cases abnormal discharge can be a sign of cancer in the uterus. Hence consult a doctor for a better solution.
- The most common cause of AVD is Bacterial Vaginosis. There is an overgrowth of anaerobic microbes which replace the normal commensal bacteria.
- Yeast infection caused by the fungus in the vagina is another cause of AVD. This is called candidiasis. There is irritation and intense itching along with discharge.
- Another important cause of AVD is Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) which may be Trichomoniasis, Gonorrhea, or Chlamydiae. Chlamydiae infection may be asymptomatic but can cause devastating sequelae. Trichomoniasis and Gonorrhea infection cause foul-smelling discharge with itching and painful urination. Giving treatment to the partner in case of STI is very crucial.
Carelessness or any delay in treatment for AVD can result in any of the following complications:
- Endometritis
- Tubal blockage and infertility
Consult your gynecologist at the earliest presentation of AVD and get appropriate treatment to prevent complications.
As the proverb “Prevention is better than cure”, get used to doing some preventive techniques in your routine to avoid major issues. Good perineal hygiene and safe sex practice can prevent infection.