Pregnancy is a pleasant journey and childbirth (parturition) is a thrilling experience. For a woman, getting pregnant is one of the happiest moments of her life. However, many women are scared of the pain involved in the delivery . Moreover, the experiences of friends and relatives increase anxiety about labor pain for many women. Let’s look at a few tips for painless delivery in greater depth in this blog.
Labour pain-A nightmare
Childbirth is a special gift experienced only by womanhood. Each woman experiences labor pain differently. It varies significantly from woman to woman and even from pregnancy to pregnancy. And also, the perception of pain varies for every woman. So, don’t get panic about delivery processes by worrying about others’ experiences.
Painless delivery -A possible way
You can discuss the pain relief options available with your obstetrician (Ob-Gyn). She can guide you through the possible options based on your health status. You can have nonmedical and medical options available for pain relief during labor.
Non-medical options
Attend your antennal classes regularly and do practice your exercises and breathing techniques to ease your labor pain and increase the chance for normal delivery. Exercise is known to produce endorphins, which act as natural painkillers. There is a rise in endorphins in response to pain associated with labour. This helps in birthing. Moreover, you can manage your contractions during labor with breathing techniques.
One of the most effective things you can do to minimize labor and delivery pain is to stay active. The upright position (standing, squatting, kneeling etc.) helps in quick labor progress. Gravity will assist in lowering your baby into your pelvis if you maintain your upright position.
Moving on
Getting up and moving about helps speed up labor and ease pain. Walking can be utilized to manage discomfort, keep labor moving, and properly position the baby for the progression of delivery.
Listening to music
Having familiar music playing can help you feel comfortable and relaxed. It can also help you feel less anxious and relieve pain. Since labor is a long “journey,” listening to music can be a nice diversion. Keeping yourself calm and relaxed is an important thing you need to consider while handling your labor pain.
Your labor companion can do a massage or apply hot packs to give some relief. Your pain can be diverted with a massage. And, your body’s natural painkillers, endorphins, can be released with the use of hot packs.
A water birth occurs when at least a portion of your labor, delivery, or both take place while you are in a birthing pool filled with warm water. In the early stages of labor, using a birthing pool could reduce discomfort and prevent the need for anesthesia.
TENS (Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation)
Many mothers find this method very helpful. It is a special kind of handheld device with a couple of pads attached to your back. You can adjust the signal according to your pain level. It is a safe procedure. Moreover, it can be combined with other methods also.
To Summarize
Labor pain, therefore, requires both mental and physical strength. Painless delivery is a miraculous opportunity offered to women though it may include medical and non-medical options. Thus, follow the mentioned non-medical methods and approach your labor with confidence and a smile on your face.