Mrs.Josephine , primi, 18 weeks of pregnancy had recurrent episodes of pain abdomen with frequent & burning urination. She is confused about her problem and has a list of queries to be cleared!
1) Why do I get UTI so frequently in pregnancy?
It ‘s because of the pressure changes of the growing uterus ( womb) and hormonal changes of pregnancy.
2) Will I get complication because ofrecurrent UTI?
Yes. You have chances of infection in Kidneys( pyelonephritis), preterm labour, anemia and small baby.
3) How can I prevent UTI in pregnancy?
(1)Drink lots of fluids
(2) Empty Bladder three or four hourly orelse avoid holding urine when you get the urge to void.
(3) Cranberry juice is of great help.
(4) Proper Perineal hygiene. Clean up private parts from front to back after urination or defaecation.
4) Can I suffer UTI without symptoms?
Yes.”Silent UTI” is possible in pregnancy(2-10%). It needs to be treated to avoid complications.
5) Will the medicines taken to treat UTI harm my baby?
There are safe antibiotics which could be taken in pregnancy.